Welcome to our Sixth Form Open Evening.

We hope that the information provided on our Open Evening and on our website will help you to decide whether our Sixth Form is the right environment for your next, important step in education.  We welcome your application; whether you are from our own school or another secondary school.  Please watch the welcome introduction by the Sixth Form Team.  We also encourage you to read the prospectus and watch the Introductory Videos to Courses to help you to decide which three courses suit your needs.

Once you have gathered all the information you need, complete the online form on the Application Forms tab. If you would like more information, to talk to a subject teacher or book a careers interview, you can do so while completing the form.

Thank you for your interest in our Sixth Form and we look forward to welcoming you into our community in September 2025.

Sixth Form Prospectus

Sixth Form Courses

Sixth Form courses are at a level of study that is higher than the work undertaken in year 11 and prepare students for entry to university.  Students, in most cases pick three subjects, in exceptional circumstances four may be taken. Success in Year 12 is essential for entry into year 13 as is a good record of behaviour and attendance.

The entry requirements for a Sixth Form programme of study is a minimum 4 9-4 grades. You will usually be expected to have a grade 6 in the subjects that you choose and some subjects have specific entry requirements. These will be outlined on Open Evening and in your guidance interviews.  Students will also be expected to have a good record of behaviour and attendance.  Any student who has not achieved a good pass grade in either GCSE Mathematics or English will need to follow resit programme in these subjects.

A Levels are graded from A – E.  Vocational courses are graded Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction Star.  These grades are assigned points by UCAS and frequently universities will express their offer in terms of points rather than grades. This will all be explained during the course of the two years.


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GCSE English (If Grade 4 is not achieved)

GCSE Mathematics (If Grade 4 is not achieved)

Introduction to Sixth Form 


Applied Business Studies



Drama & Theatre


Health and Social Care




Media Studies

Medical Science

Modern Foreign Languages 

PE/Sport and Physical Activity
