Home-learning is an integral part of teaching and learning at Holy Family; pupils are expected to work independently outside the classroom.

Home-learning is set on a weekly basis on Class Charts (or fortnightly for some subjects which have less contact time in KS3: IT, Music, Art, Drama, History, and Geography). Core PE does not set home-learning. Each week, home-learning is checked by the teacher. Guidelines are:

KS3 30-45 minutes per subject
KS4 45-60 minutes per subject
KS5 no specific time allocation, but weekly

Each student has received a copy of their timetable to stick into their diary; electronic copies are available via the links below.

The SEN department identify pupils who require extra support for homelearning and provide assistance through homework club; they liaise with departments regarding work for these students.

Parents and carers can help their children to make progress by providing a reasonably peaceful, suitable place where they can do their work, to check their Class Charts schedule, and to monitor the standard of their child’s work.

Link to classcharts overview timetable


Homework Timetables

Updated: 28/09/2020 148 KB