School uniform is compulsory for all students in Years 7 to 11.



Black blazer with Holy Family Catholic High School badge *(Badge can be purchased from school)

TIE Holy Family Catholic High School tie (Purple - Y7, Y8 and Y9, Black - Y10 and Y11) *(ties can be purchased from school)
SHIRT White shirt

Knee length pleated grey skirt or a pinafore.

Recently, a growing number of pupils have begun to wear skirts that are not acceptable for school. Most commonly, the skirt is either too short and/or too tight. Therefore, pupils are required to wear a pleated skirt. Other styles such as straight, tube, pencil, back-vent, twin-pleat and skater skirts will not be acceptable as school uniform. Skirts must be worn on or just above the knee

click here for further clarification.

  • Boys - black or grey trousers
  • Girls - black or grey tailored trousers
JUMPER / CARDIGAN (optional) Grey V necked

All pupils are required to wear formal, plain black shoes that can be polished. Leisure shoes are not part of the uniform. This means that trainers, pumps, canvas shoes, coloured badges/elaborate decorations and large bows, high heels, wedges and all sports brands are not acceptable. Boots, including ankle boots, are not permitted.


The following brands and style of shoe are also not acceptable, whether the brand name is obscured/removed or not:


  • Armani
  • Converse
  • Creative Recreation
  • Vans
  • Bamboo
  • Hugo Boss
  • Dolce and Gabbana
  • Vivienne Westwood and Vivienne Westwood Melissa

Coloured bands and coloured laces are not permitted and neither are stripes on the shoe.  Please be careful, as many sports shops market ‘School Shoes’ which are actually trainers – click here for further clarification.


  • If your child cannot wear their school shoes, for any reason, and have to come in wearing trainers or unsuitable shoes, please provide them with a note, rather than phone the school. It makes communication a great deal easier.  
  • If they have a medical condition which means they cannot wear school shoes, please provide medical evidence.  
  • If the problem is temporary, please provide a note and an estimated time for when your child might be back in school shoes. If this is the case, we will provide a pair for your child to wear in school and return to us at the end of the day. If a pupil refuses cooperate, they will have to be removed from the school yard during breaks and lunchtimes until they are back in their own school shoes.  
  • Boys - plain dark socks
  • Girls - plain grey (below knee or ankle socks - no leggings)
TIGHTS Girls - thick grey or black tights

Smart, dark, plain outdoor coats may be worn. Please note that coats with patterns, images and/or large text will not be acceptable. Also, very bright colours are not acceptable. In addition, hooded tops, sweatshirts and denim/leather coats or jackets are not acceptable for school – click here for further clarification.


For health and safety reasons students may be asked to tie long hair back for certain activities.


Recently, a fashionable hair style, particularly for boys, has been to grow the hair long enough so that it covers the eyes, and in some cases, almost the whole face.  In the classroom, this can be problematic. Pupils with this style are often distracted by having to continually flick the hair out of their eyes. Also, communication is impaired between pupil and teacher if the hair falls over his/her eyes. Therefore, if your child does not want to have his/her hair tied back when in school, please ensure that the hair is cut so that this problem does not arise.


Elaborate hair decorations, including large bows are not permitted.  Ribbons and very small bows are acceptable in black or purple. We do not accept any extreme hairstyles: no stepped styles; no bullet creases or patterns shaved in. Natural hair colours only please. Click here for further clarification


We are aware that, as pupils reach adolescence, it is not uncommon for them to feel self-conscious about their appearance. Therefore, in years 9-11 only, pupils may wear subtle, light touch make-up only, that would not be noticeable to the observer.


The following are not permitted: fake tan; highlighter and bronzer; nail varnish and Shellac/acrylic nails; HD brows; false lashes; mascara.


The judgement as to whether the make-up is considered ‘subtle’ will be made by the staff and not the pupil. Any pupil who is judged to be wearing inappropriate make-up will be asked to remove it. Continual infringements of the policy may result in the pupil being asked to wear no make-up at all in the future.

JEWELLERY The only jewelle​ry permitted is a single, plain gold or silver stud earring in the ear (only one earring per ear). No other piercings are permitted.
SCHOOL BAG School bags must be dark in colour and large enough to carry all school equipment.  Fashion bags are not acceptable; they must be practical for school purposes. Please bear in mind that books can be A4 in size and PE kits are bulky. (click here for further clarification)


The following equipment is a minimum requirement that pupils should have with them every day:

  • 2 black pens
  • 2 pencils
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Sharpener
  • Purple pen
  • Highlighter
  • Pencil case
  • Calculator (a scientific calculator: the recommended models are - Casio fx83 or fx85)
  • Reading book
  • Small English dictionary
  • A pack of coloured pencils
  • A mini-whiteboard, eraser and pen: these will be provided by school in the first instance.
  • Head/earphones for computer use with a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. Wireless headphones are not suitable.
  • A protractor (for mathematics lessons)
  • A pair of compasses (for mathematics lessons)
  • A glue stick (From Sept 2023)
  • Pupils will also need to bring their dinner card (provided by school) every day

Items of stationery can be purchased from the pupil reception. Click here for a price list.


  • Holy Family PE Top or plain black t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black fleece (Optional)
  • Black football socks (girls and boys)
  • Trainers
  • Football boots (Optional)

Click here to see 6th Form Dress Code


  • It is expected that all items of uniform will be clearly marked with the pupil's name.
  • Valuables and Insurance - Neither the school nor the Local Authority has an insurance policy which will cover the loss of a child's personal property in the event of it being lost or stolen.
  • Parents should check their household insurance policy to see if it covers items of personal use outside the home.



School uniform can be purchased from a variety of sources, items with school logo can be sourced from Paul's Place Schoolware, Monkhouse and O’Neills.

Note: school tie and school badge can also be purchased from Holy Family reception. Tie £6, iron on badge £4

Paul's Place Schoolwear
272 Stanley Road
L20 3ER
Tel: 0151 922 2472

Uniform Price List 2024


Monkhouse recommend parents of new starters to book an appointment for their brand-new uniform at,34Q6,ONJ4D,BGPJ,1

Or you can view our uniform page at

Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists
80 Coronation Road
L23 5RH

Monkhouse request that you shop early for school uniform. Please read the Parent School Uniform Information for information on purchasing uniform.

Website -


O'Neills Sportswear Suppliers 

Pupil Premium - Required PE Kit