On entry to the school in Year 7, all students are assessed to find their reading and spelling age. They also take part in on-screen assessments in English, maths and science so that we can benchmark their starting point. We take into account information from primary school in addition to our own initial assessment. This helps Year 7 teachers to tailor their lessons to the needs of the children.

Throughout the year, the class teacher will assess progress using a wide range of formal and informal assessments. Many of these can be seen in your child’s books. Teachers will share key assessment dates with you and your child through the Class Charts App.

Once a term, you will receive a report which will give you information about your child’s progress in the subjects that they are studying and an indication of there they should be by the end of the year. Both academic progress, effort and determination with home-learning are assessed so you can see the fullest picture of your child’s progress throughout the year.

Information is also instantly available on Class Charts where you are able to monitor home-learning and see where teachers have rewarded your child for their contribution in class.

You will have opportunity to discuss the performance of your child in assessments at the Parent’s Evening or by contacting the class teacher directly, where they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Holy Family Guides to School Reports

Please see the report booklets below for each year group. 

Hint: For full screen please click on full screen icon


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Parental Guide to School Reports (pdf)

Updated: 22/11/2024 1.41 MB
Updated: 22/11/2024 1.44 MB
Updated: 22/11/2024 1.42 MB
Updated: 22/11/2024 740 KB
Updated: 22/11/2024 650 KB

BASE Reports

Year 7 BASE Reports

Year 8 BASE Reports

Year 9 BASE Reports

Parental Guide to BASE School Reports (pdf)

Updated: 25/11/2024 1.33 MB
Updated: 25/11/2024 1.70 MB
Updated: 25/11/2024 1.77 MB